Analyze C# code with SonarCloud & GitHub Actions

Learn how to use SonarCloud and GitHub Actions for efficient code analysis, enhancing code quality and security in your CI/CD pipelines.

Last update on September 20, 2024.

Static code analysis

Static code analysis is the process of examining the source code of a software without running it, with the purpose of detecting bugs, finding code smells, improving the code, finding security issues, helping with reviewing pull requests, and more.

Popular code analysis tools include ESLint for JavaScript and SonarQube for many programming languages. SonarCloud, for example, can do a review on your pull requests every time it is updated, and reports bugs, vulnerabilities, security hotspots, code smells found, as well as % of test coverage and code duplication.

Image showing a SonarCloud result screen with a message saying "Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!" marked as "Passed" in green. Details include: 0 Bugs, 0 Vulnerabilities, 0 Security Hotspots, and 0 Code Smells, all marked with an 'A' grade. Additionally, Coverage is 82.0% and Duplication is 0.0%.


SonarCloud is a cloud-based code analysis service designed to detect coding issues in 26 different programming languages. By integrating directly with your CI pipeline or one of our supported DevOps platforms, your code is checked against an extensive set of rules that cover many attributes of code, such as maintainability, reliability, and security issues on each merge/pull request. As a core element of our Sonar solution, SonarCloud completes the analysis loop to help you deliver clean code that meets high-quality standards.

The paragraph above was copied from SonarCloud Docs. SonarCloud is, in my words and in a short sentence, a managed service that does code analysis on demand for your repositories through CI pipelines.

Also, it’s free for open source repositories. If your repo is private, you must pay to use it.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD service provided by GitHub to automate parts of the software development lifecycle, such as building, testing and doing code analysis configured mostly with YAML files under ./.github/workflows folder of your repository.

I particularly find it amazing: it is on GitHub that you store your code, and on GitHub that you set up your CI/CD workflows. 🐐

Screenshot of a GitHub repository directory for "whoof-aspnetcore/.github/workflows" with a commit message "ci: renamed workflow name and file" by a user. The directory lists an "evaluate-pr.yml" file.

The SonarCloud GitHub Action

For some programming languages, there is a ready-to-use SonarCloud GitHub Action that you can use in your workflows. Pretty easy! Just like it’s explained in their docs, you add the step to the action with some parameters and everything will work.

You can’t use it with .NET projects 🫠

However, this is not so simple with .NET projects, though it is not complicated. In the action docs, there’s a section Do not use this GitHub action if you are in the following situations that says that we can’t use the action when:

Instead, you need to:

  1. Install the sonarscanner dotnet tool

  2. Begin the analysis with the tool, passing all parameters

  3. Build the project

  4. Run the tests

  5. End the analysis

This entire process is simplified with two scripts that we’ll see below.

Let’s do it

Setup SonarCloud

First, sign in into SonarCloud with the account you want. I suggest using GitHub.

As soon as you are in, click the plus (+) sign in the right upper corner and click on Analyze new project.

Screenshot of the SonarCloud dashboard with options highlighted. The cursor is over the "Analyze new project" option in a dropdown menu accessed by clicking the plus (+) icon on the top bar.

Select a project, then click Set Up.

Screenshot of the SonarCloud "Analyze projects" page. The section shows a selection of repositories with one repository chosen and highlighted, ready to set up. There is a "Set Up" button on the right and an option to upgrade for private projects below.

In the next part, Set up project for Clean as You Code, just go with Previous version for now, and every change to your code will be considered new code to be analyzed. Then, click on Create project.

Screenshot of a SonarCloud setup page for a project. The page allows setting up a new code definition. It explains the new code definition strategy and provides two options for defining new code: "Previous version" and "Number of days". The "Previous version" option is selected. There's a button labeled "Create project" at the bottom.

It will create the project for you, and in the next step, it asks what is your analysis method (basically your CI tool). Select GitHub Actions.

A dark-themed interface showing options for selecting an analysis method. The highlighted option reads "With GitHub Actions." Other options include "With Travis CI," "With CircleCI," "With Amazon CodeCatalyst," "With other CI tools," and "Manually." The sidebar includes navigation icons.

And this step is done. It asks you to create a new secret in your repository, so let’s go into the next step. Also, if you click the .NET button below, it gives a quick start on how to do it, but you can just ignore.

Instructional interface on setting up a GitHub Action to analyze a project. The steps involve creating a GitHub Secret named SONAR_TOKEN and choosing the .NET build option. There's also a code snippet for configuring the workflow.

Please note that I used async-review-poc as the repository for this specific step, only to get the screenshots. Everywhere else I use the whoof-aspnetcore repository instead.

Set up the GitHub repository

All you have to do in your repository is to create that secret mentioned above, to authenticate into SonarCloud when running their scanner.

In your repository settings, go to Secrets and variables, Actions, then click on New repository secret:

Screenshot of a GitHub repository settings page for "Actions secrets and variables." The "Settings" tab is highlighted at the top, and the "Secrets and variables" option is highlighted in the sidebar under "Actions." There is a green button labeled "New repository secret." Currently, there are no environment secrets, but one repository secret, "SONAR_TOKEN," is listed.

Set the name to SONAR_TOKEN, paste the value provided by SonarCloud and click Add secret.

Screenshot of the "New secret" page in GitHub Actions, with fields for "Name" and "Secret" to input the secret token and a button labeled "Add secret."


At the repository root, create a file named runsettings.xml, it will contain the configuration to run the project’s tests.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- -->
            <DataCollector friendlyName="XPlat code coverage">

Create the scripts

Finally, let’s start by creating the scripts that will be used by the actions that will be created later.

Again, at the repository root, create a scripts folder, and the following scripts:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu -o pipefail


dotnet test \
    --logger trx \
    --logger "console;verbosity=detailed" \
    --settings "runsettings.xml" \
    --results-directory $REPORTS_FOLDER_PATH

This script is responsible for running your application’s tests, passing some important parameters like using the trx (Visual Studio test results file), the settings file to use and where to store the test results.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu -o pipefail

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Please provide the sonar token 👀"
  exit 0

if [ -z "$2" ]; then
  echo "Please provide the project version 👀"
  exit 0

echo "### Reading variables..."

echo "### Beginning sonarscanner..."

.sonar/scanner/dotnet-sonarscanner begin \
    /k:"graduenz_whoof-aspnetcore" \
    /o:"graduenz" \
    /d:sonar.token="$SONAR_TOKEN" \
    /"" \
    /d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths="**/*/coverage.opencover.xml" \
    /d:sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths="**/*/*.trx" \

echo "### Building project..."
dotnet build

.sonar/scanner/dotnet-sonarscanner end /d:sonar.token="$SONAR_TOKEN"

This script makes sure the sonar token and the project version to use are passed as parameters, then begins the scan with sonarscanner passing all parameters configuring which project to analyze, where to read test results, what files and folders should be ignored in code analysis, etc., then builds and tests the project (using our script created previously), and ends the scan.

Create the action

Everything but the action is now set up in the repository. All actions should be stored under the .github/workflows folder, and we are going to create one for evaluating pull requests and main branch merges.

Under that folder, create a file name named evaluate-pr.yml with the following content:

name: Evaluate pull request

      - main
      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Setup Java 21
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'zulu'
          java-version: '21'
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0  # Shallow clones should be disabled for a better relevancy of analysis
      - name: Cache SonarCloud packages
        uses: actions/cache@v4
          path: ~/sonar/cache
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-sonar
          restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-sonar
      - name: Cache SonarCloud scanner
        id: cache-sonar-scanner
        uses: actions/cache@v4
          path: .sonar/scanner
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-sonar-scanner
          restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-sonar-scanner
      - name: Install SonarCloud scanner
        if: steps.cache-sonar-scanner.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: |
          mkdir -p .sonar/scanner
          dotnet tool update dotnet-sonarscanner --tool-path .sonar/scanner
      - name: SonarCloud scan
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        run: |
          docker compose up -d
          ./scripts/ ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} ${{ github.sha }}

This action is divided in three parts: a name, when it’s triggered (on), and what it does (jobs). As you can see, it’s triggered on every push on the main branch (including merge commits), and on every pull request (and every commit on it).

It has a single job named build that uses latest Ubuntu available to run it, checks out the code, configures it to use Java 17 (Temurin, but I’m pretty sure you can use whatever you want), installs the sonarscanner dotnet tool globally (very important!), then finally runs the script.

You will notice it also does docker-compose up -d before running the script, that is because the application integration tests’ uses dependencies like PostgreSQL that runs on Docker. Check for more information about this.

Open a pull request

First, commit and push everything you did to main branch before!

Then, let’s say you made some changes in a new branch in your repository. You will raise a pull request, and you want to get it analyzed by the new action you just set up. Go ahead!

Screenshot of a GitHub pull request titled "style: changed to target-typed new ctor #9," opened by user "graduenz." The pull request indicates that it wants to merge one commit into the main branch from the "feat/sample-pr" branch. There are no comments yet, and a message states, "No description provided." The checks section shows that one check is queued. The branch has no conflicts with the base branch, and merging is allowed. Options to merge the pull request or view details in GitHub Desktop or via command line are visible.

As soon as you raise the pull request, give it a few seconds and the action will start to run, as shown in the image above. If everything goes well, it will end, and then you will get a comment on your PR, like this:

Screenshot of a GitHub pull request page titled "style: changed to target-typed new ctor #9". The pull request is open and requests to merge one commit from "feat/sample-pr" into "main". A user commented 7 minutes ago with "No description provided." There is a bot comment from SonarCloud indicating "SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!" with details showing 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities, 0 security hotspots, 0 code smells, 28.6% coverage, and 0.0% duplication.

If any bug, vulnerability, security issue or code smell is detected, it will be indicated, and you can handle it properly, as well as see coverage reports to see where to improve it, just click the anchors in the comment. SonarCloud helps a lot with keeping up the good code!

Also, if you go to the Checks tab, you will get the complete SonarCloud report:

Screenshot of a pull request titled "style: changed to target-typed new ctor #9" on GitHub. The "Checks" tab is highlighted, showing "SonarCloud Code Analysis" passed with 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities, 0 security hotspots, and 0 code smells. Quality Gate is passed, with 28.6% coverage and 0.0% duplication.

And that’s all! Look further if you want to go a bit deeper, that section below is likely to be updated often.


Until this point, you’ve seen how to set up the whole process of static code analysis on your pull requests and main branch commits. However, there are some extra lessons that I learned, and I’m sharing below with you.


There are two former coworkers that indirectly contributed, with their projects, to build this whole mechanism that I just showed you.

Branch protection rules

A common practice is to protect your branch(es) from direct commits, and requiring pull requests to merge them into the branch, as well as adding some requirements to the pull requests before merging.

Screenshot of a GitHub repository settings page for managing branch protection rules. The page indicates that no branches are currently protected and provides an option to add a branch protection rule. Various repository management options are visible on the left sidebar.

In the example below, it has been set up to:

  • Require a pull request before merging.

    • And must have, at least, 2 approvals.
  • Require status checks.

    • You must select the status checks, just type “sonar” in the text field below and select SonarCloud Code Analysis.
  • Require conversation resolutions before merging.

    • If someone comments in your PR, the comment must be resolved before merging.

Screenshot of a GitHub branch protection rules configuration page. The Branch name pattern is set to "main." Four rules are highlighted: "Require a pull request before merging," "Require approvals," "Require status checks to pass before merging," and "Require conversation resolution before merging." The status check specified is "SonarCloud Code Analysis." Various checkboxes and dropdowns are visible for additional configuration options.

This will protect and improve the whole software development process, making sure nothing broken gets pushed to main branch without prior review and agreement.

Disabling a rule in a class

In my project, something that I needed was to suppress some code smells that were detected by the code analysis. In a regular coding task that is not ideal; however, the example below is a class that has many generic arguments, much more than the two authorized, but is part of the abstractions, a reason why I considered it acceptable.

namespace Whoof.Api.Common.Controllers;

[SuppressMessage("SonarLint", "S2436", Justification = "Abstraction tradeoffs")]
public abstract class BaseCrudController
    <TDto, TEntity, TCreateCommand, TUpdateCommand, TDeleteCommand, TGetByIdQuery, TGetListQuery, TSearch>
    : ControllerBase
    where TDto : BaseDto
    where TEntity : class
    where TCreateCommand : BaseCreateCommand<TDto>, new()
    where TUpdateCommand : BaseUpdateCommand<TDto>, new()
    where TDeleteCommand : BaseDeleteCommand<TDto>, new()
    where TGetByIdQuery : BaseGetByIdQuery<TDto>, new()
    where TGetListQuery : BaseGetListQuery<TDto, TEntity>, new()
    where TSearch : BaseSearch<TEntity>

The SuppressMessage attribute can suppress the accusation of an issue, in this case, the S2436 rule, with proper justification.